The Re-Election of President Trump and the Divine Will of the God – Part 2


The Re-Election of President Trump
and the Divine Will of the God – Part 2

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All the Bible verses quoted in this article are from the King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

The re-election of President Trump on November 5, 2024, was an extraordinarily significant event, not only for the United States but also for other nations around the world. It was both a miracle and a blessing from the God.

President Trump’s re-election was a miracle because it was impossible for him to overcome the ruling system of the Democratic Party on his own. This party used every means at its disposal, wielding its power to suppress, defame, falsely accuse, and prosecute him both criminally and civilly—even attempting to assassinate him—to prevent him from running for re-election and being re-elected as president. Only with God’s intervention could President Trump continue to run for re-election and achieve a glorious victory with an overwhelming majority in both the popular vote and the electoral college.

President Trump himself acknowledged that God had twice saved him from death during two assassination attempts while he was giving campaign speeches. He recognized that God has a mission for him. He said:

Many people have told me that God spared my life for a reason. And that reason was to save our country and to restore America to greatness. And now we are going to fulfill that mission together.”

God has now spared my life not once, but twice. These encounters with death have not broken my will. They’ve only hardened my resolve to use my time on Earth to Make America Great Again for all Americans.”

Many people do not believe that President Trump’s glorious re-election is the work of the God. However, the Word of God in Daniel 2:21 and Romans 13:1 teaches us that God is the one who deposes kings and establishes kings; all authority is appointed by Him.

Some acknowledge that President Trump’s glorious re-election is the work of the God but do not believe he is a servant of the God. Their reasoning is that President Trump’s past disqualifies him from being a servant of the God. Those with such views presume to know the God’s standards for choosing His servants. These individuals would do well to reflect on the story of the woman caught in adultery as recorded in John 8:1–11.

The Bible records the stories of two foreign kings whom the God referred to as His servants or His anointed ones, even though they did not know Him. The first is King Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonian Empire, whom the God called “My servant” (Jeremiah 27:6). The God used him to punish the Israelites of the Kingdom of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar was the one who took the people of Judah captive for 70 years, destroyed Jerusalem, and demolished the Temple of God.

The second is King Cyrus of the Persian Empire, whom the God referred to as “His anointed” (Isaiah 45:1). The God used him to liberate the Israelites of the Kingdom of Judah from captivity, leading them back to the Promised Land of Canaan to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple of God.

President Trump’s re-election is a blessing from the God, as He uses him to restore Christian moral traditions in America and awaken the American people before the coming of Christ. During President Trump’s second term, the God will also use America’s strength to prevent and intervene in the oppression and persecution of God’s people worldwide. Furthermore, He will use the Trump administration to equip Israel militarily so that Israel is prepared for the war described in Psalm 83, a conflict that will take place before the End Times [1], [2].

The opportunity given to the American people to awaken before the coming of Christ is a special blessing from the God, as the United States has consistently supported Israel. On May 14, 1948, just minutes after Israel declared itself a nation, the United States officially recognized the state of Israel. Since then, regardless of whether the Democratic or Republican Party has been in power, the U.S. government has consistently supported Israel.

The God’s promise to Abraham, recorded in Genesis 12:3, has been fulfilled in the United States: “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” Indeed, the God has blessed America because it has always supported Israel.

Since the end of World War II in the late 1940s, the United States has emerged as the leading global superpower. While major powers like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany were severely devastated and declined both militarily and economically, the United States remained untouched by the ravages of war and experienced rapid economic growth. The U.S. stepped in to provide aid for the reconstruction of European countries and even Japan.

Today, out of the 195 nations in the world, according to information from the U.S. State Department, the United States provides humanitarian, economic, and military assistance to more than 150 countries.

Currently, the United States is an unprecedented superpower in human history.

Military: The United States possesses the most powerful military in the world in terms of size, quality, and technology. The U.S. military has a global presence, the capability for rapid deployment, and access to nuclear weapons.

Economy: The U.S. economy is the largest in the world, measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Historically, no nation has matched the development and scope of the modern American economy.

Cultural and Political Influence: The United States exerts significant cultural and political influence worldwide, particularly in entertainment, technology, and international politics. However, the U.S. also tarnishes global morality by exporting depraved television programs, music glorifying Satan, and pornographic materials that degrade human dignity.

When considering the relationship between the United States and God, there are two remarkable aspects about America.

The first remarkable aspect is that the American people share many similarities with the Israelites.

1. Origins and Migration: Both began with groups of people who believed in God, migrated in search of freedom in life and worship, and sought to serve the Lord. The Israelites escaped from slavery in Egypt, while the first immigrants from the Kingdom of England to America sought to break away from the Church of England. They considered themselves the “New Israel” and saw North America as the “New Promised Land.” The Israelites crossed the Red Sea to enter the Promised Land, while the English immigrants crossed the Atlantic Ocean to reach the “New Promised Land.”

2. Nation Building: The Israelites had a period of Judges before establishing their kingdom. Similarly, Americans experienced a colonial period before becoming an independent nation. Both had to fight to build and defend their territories.

3. Moral and Legal Foundations: The Israelites had the Mosaic Law, with the Ten Commandments of God as its foundation. Americans have the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, which are inspired by biblical principles and uphold the Ten Commandments of God.

4. Social Development: Both experienced periods of prosperity and territorial expansion. Both also faced challenges of national unity and internal conflict. The Israelites went through a division into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, while Americans experienced the Civil War between the North and the South.

5. International Role: Israel, under King David and King Solomon, was a cultural and religious center of the Middle East. The United States became a global superpower in politics, economics, and culture after World War II.

6. Moral Challenges: Both faced the challenge of maintaining moral values and faith in God during periods of prosperity. Both have gone through phases of turning away from their faith in God.

7. Rebellion Against God and Punishment: When the Israelites turned away from the Lord, they were punished through conquests and ultimately exiled. Similarly, America’s moral decline and departure from faith in God could lead to the nation’s downfall and punishment from the Lord.

8. Restoration: The Israelites experienced periods of restoration, such as their return from exile to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple, and their re-establishment as a nation in 1948. Similarly, Americans have had revival movements, where the people returned to faith and worship of God.

9. Mission: The Israelites see themselves as God’s chosen people with a special mission. Americans, on the other hand, embrace the concept of “Manifest Destiny” and perceive themselves as having a global leadership role.

Below is a comparison of the divine missions of the Israelites and the Americans.

The Divine Mission of the Israelites:

The Israelites believe they have several special missions entrusted to them by God:

1. Mission as the “Chosen People”: They believe that God chose them as His special people (Exodus 19:5-6). God calls them a “kingdom of priests” and a “holy nation.” They are responsible for living a holy life to set an example for other nations.

2. Mission to Preserve and Spread the Word of God: They were entrusted with the task of preserving the Word of God (the Old Testament). They have the responsibility to teach God’s laws to their descendants and to witness about God to other nations.

3. Mission to Prepare for the Messiah: They preserved the lineage through which the Messiah would be born. They maintained the prophecies and promises concerning the Messiah.

4. Mission to Be “A Light”: They were called to be “a light to the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:6). They must display God’s righteousness and holiness, serving as an example to all nations in how to worship the true God.

5. Mission Regarding Social Morality: They are duty-bound to execute justice and mercy; to protect the poor, orphans, and widows; and to build a just society according to God’s laws.

6. Mission of Blessing: They became a channel of blessing for other nations, as God promised Abraham: “In you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:3).

7. Mission of Worship: They maintained true worship of God. They opposed idol worship. They preserved the sacred rituals and holy festivals.

8. Mission Regarding the Land: They preserved the Promised Land as their inheritance. They built the Temple of God in Jerusalem. They transformed the land of Israel into a place for worshiping God.

9. Mission Concerning the Future: They await the restoration of the kingdom. They prepare for the Messianic Age. They bear witness to God’s faithfulness.

However, history shows that the Israelites often failed to fulfill these missions. They repeatedly turned away from God, engaged in idol worship, and did not live according to the moral standards they were called to uphold. This led to many consequences in their history, including exile and the loss of their nation.

The Manifest Destiny of the American People:

Americans, with the concept of “Manifest Destiny” in the 19th century, believe that they have the following missions entrusted to them by God:

1. Expansion of Territory: Americans believe that the expansion of their territory from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean was a divinely ordained mission. This includes the acquisition and development of new lands, especially those not under European control. If necessary, through purchase.

2. Spreading Democracy and Culture: Americans believe they have a duty to spread democratic governance along with American culture and way of life across the continent, with the conviction that these will bring progress and civilization to other nations.

3. Preaching the Gospel and Education: Americans believe they have an obligation to preach the Gospel to other nations and educate them about the values of Western civilization. The United States has made the greatest effort in evangelizing the world through sending missionaries across the globe and sponsoring the establishment of local Churches in other countries. American education has also helped train many talents for other nations.

4. Recreating the World: Americans believe they are responsible for recreating the world in the image of the United States, meaning establishing other nations according to their political, economic, and social models, with the belief that this is the best path for global development and peace.

These beliefs are not only rooted in religious thought but are also intertwined with American exceptionalism, which asserts that the United States is a special nation with a unique mission in world history.

The second strange thing about the United States is that it is never mentioned in the Bible, nor is it referred to in any prophecies about the end times. The most reasonable explanation is perhaps that the United States will no longer be a superpower before the End Times and will have no impact or influence on the events of the End Times.

There are many reasons that could cause the United States to cease being a superpower, such as natural disasters, epidemics, civil war, or economic collapse due to bankruptcy. We do not believe World War III would be one of the causes. Because if a third world war were to occur at this point, it would certainly be a nuclear war, and not only the United States but many other countries would be wiped out. Perhaps the most likely cause is the coming of Christ, who will take the Church out of the world, including many of God’s people who hold important positions in the U.S. government, from the federal level to local levels, causing the United States to collapse. Other countries may not be as severely affected as the United States because their leadership does not have as many God-fearing individuals. A current example of this is that the leadership in many European countries is no different from the leadership of the Democratic Party in the United States.

According to statistics, the current population of the United States is approximately 346 million people. Of that, about 218 million people, or roughly 63%, are disciples of Christ. However, it is difficult to know how many of those 218 million Americans are truly disciples of Christ. With the God’s great mercy, a person can still be saved, as though through fire (1 Corinthians 3:15). This means that a person is saved because they sincerely believe in Christ’s atoning death, but their life does not bear much fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven, so they do not receive a reward from the Lord.

We believe it is very possible that President Trump will be the last president of the United States. It is likely that near the end of his term, Christ will return to take the Church out of the world. At that point, the United States will begin to break apart into smaller nations and will no longer support Israel. The Arab Muslim nations will then unite and attack Israel, initiating the war described in Psalm 83. Immediately after that, the United Nations will quickly establish a global government, leading to the rise of the Antichrist, and the world will enter the End Times.

Four years ago, when President Trump was cheated out of his presidency by the Democratic Party, it was also a blessing from God for His people everywhere. God allowed this fraud to occur so that the Democratic Party would reveal all their deceit, wickedness, and corruption. This caused God’s people in the U.S. to wake up and call out to the Lord. But it was also an opportunity for God to expose the false teachers and false prophets, most of whom are in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches. These are the people who claim to speak in the name of the Lord, saying that God revealed to them that President Trump would certainly be re-elected in 2020. God’s people should avoid such impostors and not waste time listening to or watching their sermons.

Could it be that the United States represents the universal Church of the God during the New Testament era, with its strengths and weaknesses as pointed out by the Lord Jesus Christ in the seven letters to the seven Churches in Asia, recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3? Could it be that in the end, there will be a great revival in the Church before Christ comes to take the Church out of the world, and the Church will have no involvement in the events of the End Times? If so, this would be an immensely great grace from the God bestowed upon the Church.

It is very likely that the four years of the Biden administration and the first three years of President Trump’s second term will be the last seven years of the Church on this earth to complete all the ministries that Christ has entrusted to the Church.

We believe that President Trump is a servant of God, used by Him to punish the wicked and defend His people in these last days. Everything President Trump does in his second term will have a significant impact, not only on the United States but on the whole world. The main purpose is to prepare God’s people for the coming of Christ.

We believe that the coming of Christ is very near and could happen at any moment, but it is not excluded that He could come on a Feast of Trumpets. We hope that every believer is ready for the coming of Christ.

May the Word of God sanctify us and strengthen us. May we all stand firm in faith and remain faithful to the Lord until the day Christ returns. May the love, grace, and fellowship of the Triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, cover all of you. Amen!

Timothy Christian Huynh
Priscilla Christian Huynh





About Using “*God” and “holy spirit”

Wherever the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts of the Bible uses a definite article with a noun to denote GOD, we translate it into English as *God or “the God” to refer to God the Father. We understand that “God,” without a definite article, was used as a collective noun for all and any of the three Persons of the Godhead. And “God,” with a definite article, was used to refer to God the Father.

In the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, the term “holy spirit” (πνευματι αγιω) without the definite article “the” (το) is used to denote the power of God, which is given by God the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Spirit” (το πνευματι το αγιω) is God, and “holy spirit” (πνευματι αγιω) is the power that comes from God.