Poem: The New Spring


The New Spring

For in You is the fountain of life. In Your light we see light.” (Psalms 36:9).

In this vast awakening,
His love overflows like morning dew—
Each corner of creation welcomes
The peaceful breath of spring anew.
Together we lift our voices,
A chorus of renewal rings,
While our homeland bathes
In the sweet perfume of countless things.

Dreams of happiness blossom
Like petals unfurling in light,
Hearts pregnant with hope
Await His touch in the night.
This blessed season granted
By His infinite grace—
Let us join in celebration
Of peace in this holy space.

Spring returns, a faithful friend,
Blessings cascade through my soul;
Heaven and earth adorned
In radiant light made whole.
Everywhere songs of praise
Rise up like morning mist,
My heart overflows with thanks
For this peace—His precious gift.

This spring eternal lingers,
A treasure in my breast;
His countless blessings cherished,
Through years they stand the test.
I’ll remember how He carried me,
His love—an endless sea,
The Shepherd of my journey,
Forever watching over me.

My life flows gentle as a stream,
Blessed by His mercy’s hand;
Like spring’s tranquility,
His grace makes me understand
That love divine surrounds me
In ways I cannot measure—
Each moment in His presence
A gift beyond all treasure.

Claude AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the Vietnamese spiritual song “Mùa Xuân Mới”:


The translation of the lyric into English:
The New Spring

For in You is the fountain of life. In Your light we see light.” (Psalms 36:9).

A new spring,
vast and overflowing with the Lord’s love.
Everywhere welcomes,
rejoicing in a peaceful spring,
together singing the song of spring.
The homeland is steeped
in the sweet fragrance of countless blossoms.
A new spring,
filled with dreams of happiness,
brimming with hopes and longings,
hearts fervently awaiting.
A blessed spring,
granted by His grace.
Let us celebrate a peaceful spring.

Spring is here anew.
Welcoming spring,
blessings overflow throughout the soul.
A spring of peace,
its radiant light adorns heaven and earth.
Everywhere, spring arrives
with jubilant songs of praise.
For me, spring comes,
my heart wholly giving thanks to the Lord,
who bestows upon life
a new, peaceful spring,
bringing joy and fulfillment in His grace.

This new spring
lingers in my heart forever.
Countless blessings from Him
I will always cherish,
unfading through the years.
I will always remember,
my life carried by the Lord.
The Lord’s love
eternally enfolds me.
His love for me is boundless,
He shepherds me all my days.
My life is blessed,
graced by His abundant mercy,
like a tranquil spring of peace.