Poem: In Peaceful Steps


In Peaceful Steps

He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30).

I follow You, contented heart at peace,
In Your mercy, finding sweet release.
My sins forgiven, washed away by grace—
Jesus bore them all in my own place.

Unafraid I walk the winding road,
Through darkest night and morning’s glow.
On this sacred path I steadfast tread,
By holy counsel wisely led.

Though storms may rise to block my way,
My faith in You shall never sway.
Your love I cherish, life I give,
For You alone I choose to live.

What joy to walk beside You still,
Through valleys deep and testing hill!
Though trials come and sorrows press,
You watch me through each wilderness.

My heart clings fast and will not part
From You who holds my trusting heart.
Content I rest in Your embrace,
Transformed by Your unfailing grace.

My spirit overflows with praise,
With fervent love through all my days.
Forever faithful I remain,
Your presence be my sweet refrain.

Claude AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the Vietnamese spiritual song “Con Đi Theo Ngài”:


The translation of the lyric into English:
I Follow You

He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” (Matthew 12:30).

I follow You,
contented, my life is at peace.
I abide in You,
for I have received Your mercy.
All my sins have been forgiven.
Jesus bore them all for me,
taking upon Himself the weight
of every transgression I have stumbled into.
I am made new by You alone.

I follow You,
unafraid of the long road, day or night.
Always on this spiritual journey,
holding steadfast in faith.
Never forgetting the holy commandments,
never forgetting the Father’s counsel.
Though the storms of life may block my path,
I vow to remain faithful, living for You alone.

I joyfully receive Your love,
offering my life fully to the Lord,
pledging to follow only You.
How joyful I am to walk with You
through every stage of this journey,
though trials abound.
I know this world is filled with suffering,
life holds many hardships.
Yet You are near, watching over me day and night,
leading my way.
My heart clings to You and never wavers.

I follow You,
contented, my life is at peace.
I abide in You,
for I have received Your mercy.
My spirit overflows with hidden emotions,
my heart is filled with deep and fervent love.
I long to give it all to You forever,
and to remain faithful, living for You alone.