Poem: For I Know


For I Know

“Be to me a rock of refuge, a place to enter continually. You have commanded my salvation, for You are my rock and my fortress.” (Psalms 71:3)

In depths of sorrow, heart concealing
Unspoken pain, beyond revealing.
Yearning for sleep’s sweet embrace,
To flee the burdens I must face.

Weary years of silent aching,
Spirit lone, my soul forsaking.
Where might joy’s light penetrate
This shroud of gloom that seals my fate?

Then in my darkest hour, I heard
His gentle voice, His loving word.
Jesus found me, lost and afraid,
And bore my sins, my debts all paid.

Upon the cross, He suffered sore,
That I might live forevermore.
He lifted burdens from my soul,
His grace made this broken heart whole.

Now peace and joy, my constant friends,
As on His strength my life depends.
I vow to walk His righteous way,
From His pure path I’ll never stray.

For Christ, who died to set me free,
Gave life and hope eternally.
My days I’ll spend in gratitude,
Embraced by love, my soul renewed.

Timothy Christian Huynh
Refined by AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the spiritual song: “Vì Tôi Biết” (For I Know):