Poem: Devotion’s Path


Devotion’s Path

“My soul followed close after You; Your right hand upheld me.” (Psalms 63:8).

With boundless heart, I walk the chosen way,
Illumed by light that guides each careful tread.
Through winding trails and valleys dimmed and gray,
Faith holds me close where fear and doubt have fled.

The journey stretches far beneath my feet,
With trials towering high like mountain spires.
Yet steadfast grace ensures I won’t retreat,
But find my strength in love that never tires.

From trembling soul, thanksgiving’s hymn takes flight,
A song of praise both tender, bold, and true.
I yield my spirit to eternal light,
Embracing purpose pure and ever new.

Eternal love, my compass and my guide,
I walk this sacred path with You inside.

Timothy Christian Huynh
Refined by AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the Vietnamese spiritual song “Con Xin Suốt Đời Theo Jesus” (I Pledge to Follow Jesus All My Life):


The translation of the lyric into English:
I Pledge to Follow Jesus All My Life

“My soul followed close after You; Your right hand upheld me.” (Psalms 63:8).

I pledge to follow Jesus all my life,
I pray the Lord will walk with me each day.
Through long or short paths that I tread,
I trust the Lord will guide me on my way.

My whole life I take refuge in the Lord,
Though many dangers arise in life.
I vow to remain faithful always,
I will follow You to the ends of the earth.

I lift my voice in thanksgiving,
Offering praise from deep within my soul.
May Your glory shine forever,
May Your love for me never fade away.

I pledge to follow Jesus all my life,
My life, I dedicate solely to You.
I vow to stay faithful all my days,
Following You to eternity.