Poem: Come, Let’s Live in Love


Come, Let’s Live in Love

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:26).

Come, gather here together,
In love we’ll walk as one,
Following Jesus’ footsteps
Till daily tasks are done.
Let joy fill all our hearts now,
As we spread Father’s grace,
Throughout our blessed nation,
To every waiting place.

Come closer to each other,
As Jesus guides our way,
Though trials may surround us,
In Him we choose to stay.
When darkness tries to bind us,
When paths seem rough and long,
We’ll lean upon His promise,
In Him we shall be strong.

From town to town we travel,
His mercy to proclaim,
To rescue souls from darkness,
And glorify His name.
Our hope soars ever higher
That all shall come to see
The beauty of His kingdom,
And what their lives could be.

United in our purpose,
We pray both day and night,
That all across our nation
Hearts turn toward His light.
Soon all shall dwell in love here,
Sweet praise fill every voice,
As thousands join together,
In Him we shall rejoice.

Till that day of glory,
When Heaven’s gates unfold,
We’ll share this precious story
More precious far than gold.
Our spirits watch and waited
For that transcendent day,
When all shall join God’s kingdom,
Where love shall reign always.

Timothy Christian Huynh
Refined by AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the Vietnamese spiritual song “Về Đây, Sống Trong Tình Yêu” (Come, Let’s Live in Love):


The translation of the lyric into English:
Come, Let’s Live in Love

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:26).

Come together here, living beside each other in love.
With one heart following Jesus, walking on the spiritual path.
Don’t hesitate, together we rejoice,
Going throughout the land to preach about the Father’s love.

Come together here, living beside each other in love.
In this life, Jesus shepherds us forever.
Though many times, hardships and difficulties block our way,
We always remain steadfast, relying on Him.

Together we go to thousands of places in our homeland to spread the Word.
Proclaiming salvation’s grace, saving those who suffer in sinful places.
Proclaiming the Lord’s name everywhere.
Hoping that people throughout the nation will believe in Jesus,
So our homeland can find peace and joy.

Come together here, living beside each other in love.
With one heart praying for the Father’s mercy on our people.
United together, beside each other praying day and night,
Asking that everywhere, throughout the nation, people will worship the Father.

One day soon, our people will live in love.
Thousands of songs praising the Heavenly Father.
Hearts rejoicing, together singing thanks to Him.
Our spirits eagerly awaiting the day we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.