Poem: A Supplication of the Soul


A Supplication of the Soul

“Lord! For us You have been the dwelling place from generation to generation” (Psalms 90:1).

Mercy, I seek from the Divine,
Unburdening sins that have long entwined,
A heart lifted in humble prayer,
Beseeching forgiveness, tender and fair.

From this moment, a path newly drawn,
Devotion blooming like hope at dawn,
Vowing to follow with spirit pure and bright,
Embracing love’s eternal, radiant light.

Through years of shadow and sunshine’s gleam,
When sorrows whisper and silence screams,
My heart shall rest in unwavering grace,
Faith anchored in a love I cannot replace.

I long for the moment of celestial call,
When clouds part and spirit rises tall,
To dwell with the Beloved, forever near,
Transcending earthly doubt and mortal fear.

This humble vessel, offered complete,
Where worship and surrender sweetly meet,
Purified, sanctified, set apart,
A living testament of a transformed heart.

No challenge shall shake my steadfast vow,
No trial dim the promise I make now,
To glorify, to serve, to love alone,
Until eternity claims me as its own.

Timothy Christian Huynh
Refined by AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the Vietnamese spiritual song “Nguyện Xin”.


The translation of the lyric into English:
A Prayer

“Lord! For us You have been the dwelling place from generation to generation” (Psalms 90:1).

O Lord, I humbly ask You for mercy, to forgive the sins
that have weighed upon this body throughout the days gone by.
O Lord, please hear my earnest plea.
My heart looks up to You; I ask for Your forgiveness.
From now on, I will follow You, vowing to always obey You.
My life will find joy and satisfaction in Your precious love.
For eternity, peace will remain.

O Lord, throughout the years, I will walk beside You.
Even when sorrows sometimes surround my life,
My heart will remain at peace, for I have steadfast faith in You,
and Your love forever protects me.
My heart always longs for You to appear in the clouds, calling me up high,
So that I may joyfully live with You, my Beloved Lord, for eternity.

O Lord, please regard this humble body and accept it with joy.
I vow to worship You alone, forever.
O Lord, please look upon me and make me pure.
Use me to glorify Your name for all eternity.
I vow to follow You.
I vow to obey You.
I vow to remain steadfast in worshiping You alone,
no matter what may come.