The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (7) – The Seventh Call: Be Faithful Until Death!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The Seventh Call: Be Faithful Until Death! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MTBf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY2MDhf https://on.soundcloud.com/8JjGTdXSCDWatR8i7 YouTube: https://youtu.be/9qLgGqG7yPo Please share this website with all your Continue Reading →


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (6) – The Sixth Call: Preach the Gospel to Everyone! Teach All Nations!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The Sixth Call: Preach the Gospel to Everyone! Teach All Nations! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MDlf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY2MDZf https://on.soundcloud.com/JQ8CDuXQXBJ2E5LX9 YouTube: https://youtu.be/ciYE9kOVVfQ Please share this Continue Reading →


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (5) – The Fifth Call: Be Filled with Spirit!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The Fifth Call: Be Filled with Spirit! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MDhf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY2MDVf https://on.soundcloud.com/1qpuQ5BzzFHT76uH9 YouTube: https://youtu.be/6mAjiCNZsqg Please share this website with all your Continue Reading →


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (4) – The Fourth Call: Follow Me!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The Fourth Call: Follow Me! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MDdf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY1OTlf https://on.soundcloud.com/SfLZyxdAnbAVYsVq7 YouTube: https://youtu.be/R5zOl0qxiN4 Please share this website with all your friends and Continue Reading →


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (3) – The Third Call: Take My Yoke upon You and Learn from Me!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The Third Call: Take My Yoke upon You and Learn from Me! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MDVf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY1OTZf https://on.soundcloud.com/Bbsg99zb8c9pocZv5 YouTube: https://youtu.be/8xOckc-KuS4 Please share Continue Reading →


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (2) – The Second Call: Come unto Me!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The Second Call: Come unto Me! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MDRf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY1OTdf https://on.soundcloud.com/J6fu3D4qAeebL37k9 Youtube: https://youtu.be/fENbydDIvMY Please share this website with all your friends Continue Reading →


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (1) – The First Call: Repent!

The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ The First Call: Repent! Download PDF: https://od.lk/f/MV8zMzk4NTU3MDNf https://od.lk/fl/MV8xODI0MzMzNl8 https://od.lk/f/MV8zNDA3NTY1OThf https://on.soundcloud.com/TLqvaxZgXDaPTTK59 YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZwZP8mB7q4Q Please share this website with all your friends and family Continue Reading →