The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ (6) – The Sixth Call: Preach the Gospel to Everyone! Teach All Nations!


The Seven Calls of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Sixth Call: Preach the Gospel to Everyone!
Teach All Nations!

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All the Bible verses quoted in this article are from the King James Version.

The Sixth Call: Preach the Gospel to Everyone! Teach All Nations!

After a person genuinely repents of their sins and comes to the Lord, they become a believer, meaning someone who accepts the Lord.

After a believer takes on the yoke of the Lord, follows the Lord, and walks with the Lord, they become a disciple, meaning someone who learns and lives according to the teachings of the Word of God.

After a disciple is filled with God’s holy spirit, they become a saint, meaning someone who no longer loves the world and worldly things but lives wholeheartedly for the Lord, living by and in the Lord. Saints are uniquely chosen by *God to do good works that He has prepared for them (Ephesians 2:10). Only saints have the qualifications and ability to do the good works that *God calls His people to do. Most importantly, among these good works is the work of preaching the Gospel to all people and making disciples of the Lord.

The call to preach the Gospel and make disciples of the Lord is recorded in Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:18-20, as follows:

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Matthew 28:18-20)!

Preaching the Gospel and making disciples of the Lord are two interconnected tasks. Without preaching the Gospel, it is impossible to make disciples of the Lord. Only preaching the Gospel without making those who accept it disciples of the Lord will result in the destruction of those who accept it due to a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

Typically, those who preach the Gospel have the responsibility to help those who accept the Gospel through their preaching quickly become disciples of the Lord by baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them the Word of God, the Bible. When circumstances allow, the task of disciple-making can be delegated to other brothers and sisters in the Church. However, the task of disciple-making for those who have accepted the Lord cannot be neglected for any reason.

Next, let’s together explore the meaning of the sixth call.

Preach the Gospel to Everyone!

Preaching the Gospel isn’t just about speaking of *God’s salvation bestowed upon humanity; it’s also about living in a way that the world sees the power of the Gospel in our own lives. If someone preaches about *God’s salvation while they themselves are still living in sin, then their preaching is merely deceitful and outright misleading.

Today, there are countless individuals who bear the title of Gospel preachers, yet they themselves have never been disciples of Christ, meaning they haven’t taken up the yoke of Christ, haven’t learned from Him, and haven’t dared to bear their cross and follow Him. Some haven’t even become believers, meaning they haven’t genuinely repented of their sins and accepted Christ. They may have been trained by religious organizations and ordained, or they may have been self-ordained as evangelists, pastors, apostles, shepherds, and so forth. They may accurately preach the fundamentals of the Gospel, such as: everyone has sinned and rebelled against *God; everyone needs to repent and accept *God’s salvation; the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross is the only way to save humanity from the consequences and power of sin. However, they cannot demonstrate the saving power of the Gospel in their own lives.

Whether preached with ill intent (Philippians 1:15-17) or by an unworthy person, the Gospel of God still has the power to save all who believe (Romans 1:16). And God will judge those who preach the Gospel with ill intent or those who preach the Gospel without living by the power of the Gospel.

In Matthew 5:13, the Lord Jesus said that His disciples are the salt of the earth. This means that the lives of Christ’s disciples must help sterilize the spiritual impurities of the world, heal the spiritual wounds of the world, preserve the noble qualities *God has bestowed upon humanity, and make the world’s life more flavorful with the fruit of their spirits. That is the first step in preaching the Gospel to everyone. Through our own lives, we demonstrate the redemptive and transformative power of the Gospel. Then we can proclaim the Gospel with our mouths.

We sincerely advise all those who preach the Gospel, bear witness to the Lord while still living in sin, that is, whose hearts still love and think about the pleasures of sin, to continue to sin; then they should hold their tongues, not even mention the name of the Lord, until they truly repent and forsake sin. Otherwise, the judgment of the Lord will be very severe upon them, upon their children, and upon their grandchildren (Exodus 20:5).

The Gospel is preached to everyone, but the preaching of the Gospel must follow the assignment and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We read in Acts 13:1-3 about the Holy Spirit appointing Barnabas and Paul to preach the Gospel to non-Israelite people. This does not mean they were not allowed to preach the Gospel to Israelites; it means they prioritized preaching the Gospel to non-Israelite nations. In Acts 16:6-7, we see the Holy Spirit not allowing Paul and Timothy to go to Asia to preach the Gospel because the time for those people to hear the Gospel had not yet come.

Today, we can ask the Lord to guide us specifically in preaching the Gospel to people in our local community, in the environments where we live, study, or work. Additionally, we can also ask the Lord to guide us in utilizing email and social media platforms to spread the Gospel. We can copy Gospel preaching content onto CDs, DVDs, memory cards, and USB drives and distribute it to those who do not know the Lord. We can also print business cards introducing the website and distribute them to everyone. If anyone feels called by the Lord to devote themselves to preaching the Gospel, they should wholeheartedly respond to His call and act according to His guidance. Those who preach the Gospel will be supported by the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14).

Preaching the Gospel (Mark 16:15) is different from bearing witness to the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8). Preaching the Gospel is just a part of bearing witness to the Lord. Preaching the Gospel is proclaiming the salvation offered by *God to humanity, who are lost in sin, through the redemption of sins by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. It also explains the conditions for a person to receive *God’s salvation, which is genuine repentance from sin and belief in the redemption of sins by the Lord Jesus Christ. Preachers of the Gospel must call sinners to genuinely repent of their sins and come to the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than urging sinners to recite a so-called “sinners’ prayer” and join a religious organization. Preachers of the Gospel must also make it clear to sinners that salvation only enables sinners to receive forgiveness and cleansing from sin, to be regenerated and bestowed with God’s holy spirit, meaning the power of God, and to live a life free from sin. The next step is for believers to personally use the power bestowed by God to obey the commandments of *God. Only those who are faithful in obeying the commandments of *God and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will receive eternal life.

Bearing witness to the Lord Jesus Christ is recounting the events of the life of the Lord, His teachings, and His deeds as recorded in the Bible. It is absolutely not speaking about anything related to the Lord Jesus Christ that is not recorded in the Bible. Some religious organizations claim to preach traditions about the Lord Jesus Christ, meaning oral traditions not found in the Bible. We need to completely discard all those traditions and also reject any images claimed to be images of the Lord Jesus Christ, for they are not His images. Calling any image the image of the Lord is deceitful and dishonors our Lord. Bearing witness to the Lord Jesus Christ also involves recounting what He has done in our lives since our repentance from sin and acceptance of His redemption.

Teach All Nations!

As mentioned above, without preaching the Gospel to everyone, it is impossible to make all people disciples of the Lord. When the Gospel is preached, there will be those who sincerely believe, and they will be empowered by the Gospel to be saved from sin and transformed into new people in the Lord Jesus Christ. At that point, they are believers in the Lord, called disciples. But that is just the beginning of a life belonging to the Lord.

All believers need to be taught how to become disciples, that is, people who follow and learn from the Lord. Repentance and coming to the Lord, meaning believing in the Lord, are the personal decisions of each individual. Becoming a disciple of the Lord requires the help of those who have gone before in the Church. There are two basic things that need to be done for someone to become a disciple of the Lord. They are:

  • Baptize them into the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Refer to the process of baptism in the article “The Church: 15 Baptism Ceremonies.”

  • Teach them everything that the Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples, that is, all that has been recorded in the Bible.

The act of baptism should not be delayed, as it is an expression of a believer’s obedience to God and eagerness to join the Church of God. Though baptism with water is not a sacrament, meaning it does not confer any spiritual blessing or cause a person to be reborn as some religious organizations teach, the eager obedience to God’s teachings will bring blessings to both the one being baptized and the one baptizing.

In the Bible, baptism is often performed immediately when a person sincerely repents of their sins and believes in the salvation of the Lord. It can even be done at midnight, as recorded in Acts 16:33. Nowadays, many religious organizations require new believers to wait for a long time, undergo catechesis, and pass catechism exams before being baptized. Some even wait for a pastor to baptize new believers. These practices are entirely irrational and contrary to the Bible.

Teaching new believers everything that the Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples is essentially teaching them the Bible. This means sitting down with them, reading the Bible together, and helping them understand the truths of God’s Word.

We can start with the Ten Commandments, which means studying Exodus 20:1-17 with new believers. Next, we can teach about “Basic Theology” and a series of sermons on the Church. Then, studying Genesis 1-3 will help new believers understand the origins of all things and the reason for sin in the world. After that, they can gradually study the books of Matthew, John, and Romans with the help of explanatory sermons, then introduce them to reading and listening to sermons on Revelation.

New believers need to prioritize learning about the Ten Commandments, Basic Theology, and the Church. After studying and wholeheartedly obeying what they have learned, believers become disciples. Studying the Word of God is a lifelong process for God’s people, but if we give new believers a Bible, teach them the basic lessons mentioned above, introduce them to the Church’s websites, or give them CDs, memory cards, or USB drives with sermons, then we can say we have fulfilled our duty to make them disciples of Christ. The rest is for them to respond to the call to “be filled with God’s holy spirit” to become saints. Once they are saints, they have the qualification and ability to respond to the call: “Preach the Gospel to Everyone! Teach All Nations!” And the call: “Be faithful unto death.”

A person who has just believed in the Lord but does not take up the yoke of the Lord, follow the Lord, and walk with the Lord, meaning they are not yet disciples of the Lord, cannot qualify to make others disciples of the Lord.

A person who is a disciple of the Lord but does not allow themselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit cannot preach the Gospel and make others disciples of the Lord according to the divine will of *God. All their actions are self-centered and driven by their own strength, and they will not receive any reward from the Lord.

May each of us always be a believer, a disciple, and a saint of the Lord, wholeheartedly living for the Lord, living by the Lord, and living in the Lord, until the day we depart from this life, entering into eternal life, to dwell forever with our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Timothy Christian Huynh
Priscilla Christian Huynh
