Poem: Stay Faithful


Stay Faithful

Stay faithful, through all trials I tread,
Following Jesus wherever I’m led.
Without fear or doubt clouding my way,
Peace fills my heart as beside Him I stay.

He shepherds me through both darkness and light,
My joy in the Lord makes every path bright.
Though storms may rage and fierce winds may blow,
My spirit stays steady wherever I go.

In Jesus’ footsteps, sure-footed I walk,
My soul overflows with blessings untold.
My future hope lies beyond earthly bounds,
In heavenly realms where true peace is found.

His holy commands I faithfully keep,
Engraved in my heart, treasured so deep.
His sacred words of infinite love
Nourish my soul like manna from above.

As days pass by, my devotion stays true,
My trust in Him forever renewed.
Throughout my being, this vow I proclaim:
His boundless love I’ll always maintain.

O Jesus, my refuge, my heart’s delight!
In You alone I find pure respite.

Timothy Christian Huynh
Refined by AI

This poem is inspired by the words of the Vietnamese spiritual song “Giữ Lòng Trung Tín” (Stay Faithful):


The translation of the lyric into English:
Stay Faithful

Stay faithful, overcoming all hardships,
I follow Jesus to every corner of the earth.
Without worry, hesitation, or concern,
I am at peace walking beside the Loving Lord.

With Him as my shepherd, my life is always joyful in the Lord,
unafraid to take steps, whether near or far.
Even though many times the road is difficult,
with winds, rain, and storms, my heart is not surprised.

I rely on Jesus, following His steps.
I am joyful, my soul is overflowing with blessings.
My hope for the future is to leave this world behind
and follow Him into the heavenly realm.

Stay faithful, every holy commandment
I always obey, engraving them in my heart.
My soul is at peace,
every sacred word of love nourishes me until eternity.

The days go by, my heart remains full of trust
and love for Jesus, never wavering in my devotion.
Throughout my soul, I vow to always
cherish and deeply remember His love.

I love Jesus!
I take refuge in Him alone!