067 The End of the World and the Year 2027


067 The End of the World and the Year 2027

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All the Bible verses quoted in this article are from the King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

For many of us, the first day of a new year is also a time to set our direction for the coming year. We thank the Lord for giving us two opportunities each year to celebrate the New Year: the Western New Year and the Lunar New Year. This way, if for some reason we do not have the chance to set our direction during the Western New Year, we still have an additional opportunity during the Lunar New Year. If, on the first day of the recent Western New Year, anyone among you did not have the chance to set their goals for the year 2020, today, the first day of the Lunar New Year, is a good opportunity to do so.

As children of God, we direct our lives according to the principles of God’s Word and our understanding of the prophecies in the Scriptures. Especially for our era, we need to guide our lives according to our understanding of the prophecies related to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the End Times. Since the coming of Christ is very near and could happen at any moment, we must prepare ourselves to be ready to depart with Him. Because there will still be many who accept the Gospel during the End Times, we need to live and serve the Lord in such a way that our current service also benefits those who will come to faith in the End Times.

To lay a foundation for setting the direction for our lives, not only for the year 2020 but also for the entire period remaining, from now until the Lord Jesus Christ comes to take us out of this world, let us reflect together on the prophecies in the Scriptures about the End Times. By doing so, we will clearly understand that the End Times are approaching and that the Lord’s coming could happen at any moment. With this awareness, we can easily determine what we need to do during the remaining days of our lives on this earth. Recognizing the signs of the times and living in accordance with God’s program for each era is the duty of God’s people. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself rebuked the Pharisees, who claimed to set themselves apart to study and serve God, because they did not recognize the signs of the times:

The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16:1-3)

The Pharisees of old did not recognize the period when Christ came into the world to accomplish the redemption of humanity. Today, we have many clear signs indicating that we are living in the final period of the Church Age. The Church could be taken out of the world by the Lord Jesus Christ at any moment. The revival of the spiritual aspect of the people of Israel could occur in 2027, and the End Times could also begin to happen in 2027.

When we compare the prophecies about the End Times with world history and current events, we immediately recognize that we are living in the days just before the End Times. The first prophecy about the End Times was recorded in the book of Daniel more than 2,500 years ago, around 539 BC. More than 600 years later, details about the End Times were revealed to the Apostle John by the Lord Jesus Christ and recorded in the book of Revelation, around AD 95. In other words, what is happening and will happen in the world during our era was prophesied by the Lord thousands of years ago. We are truly the most blessed generation among all of humanity. We can verify the fulfillment of most of the prophecies in the Scriptures by examining world history. We are witnessing the final prophecies of the Scriptures becoming reality in our time. This makes it clear that our faith in God and in the Scriptures is correct. It also encourages us to live wholeheartedly for the Lord, living for Him in the remaining days of our lives in this current earthly body.

Today, let us reflect together on the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27, compare it with world history, align it with the prophecy in Hosea 6:1-2, and compare it with current events to see that the End Times may very well occur in 2027 and extend to 2034.

First, let us read again the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27:

A Literal translation of the Hebrew text:

24 Seventy weeks of years are determined upon your people and your holy city, to close the transgression, to finish the sins, to make atonement, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.

25 Know and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah, the Leader, there shall be seven weeks of years and sixty-two weeks of years; the streets and the trench will be rebuilt, even in troublesome times.

26 After the sixty-two weeks of years, the Messiah will be cut off, and there will be nothing. The people of the leader who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary; the end of it will be like a flood, and desolations are determined until the end of the war.

27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one week of years, and in the middle of the week of years, he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease. And because of the overspreading of the abomination that causes desolation, he will make it desolate until the end, which is decreed.

The “week” referred to in this passage is a week of years. Each “week of years” consists of seven years. Seventy weeks of years total 490 years. God has appointed 490 years for the people of Israel and their holy city, Jerusalem. During these 490 years, the following things will happen to the people of Israel and to the city of Jerusalem:

1. To close the transgression of the people of Israel. The transgression of the people of Israel are their violations of the Ten Commandments of God, as written in Exodus 20:1-17 and reiterated in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. God will repeatedly administer corrections to the people of Israel to mitigate their violations of His law. Ultimately, God will atone for their transgressions when they, as a nation, accept His salvation.

2. To finish the sins of the people of Israel. On the last day of the 69th week of years, which was the Passover of AD 27, the Lord Jesus Christ died for the sins of all humanity, including the people of Israel. When the people of Israel, as a nation, accept the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ during the final week of years, which is the 70th week of years, meaning the seven-year period of the End Times, their sins will be ended.

3. To atone for the people of Israel. Also known as cleansing wickedness, this refers to the forgiveness of sins and the purification of those who truly repent and accept God’s salvation. This is an event that does not occur solely for the people of Israel privately but applies to all who belong to any nation if they genuinely repent and accept God’s salvation. However, there will be a time when the entire nation of Israel will be redeemed. That time belongs to the 70th week of years, which is part of the End Times.

4. To bring everlasting righteousness into the kingdom of Israel. To bring everlasting righteousness into the holy city of Jerusalem, into the kingdom of Israel, at the end of the End Times, when the 70 weeks of years appointed by God for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem are completed.

5. To seal up vision and prophecy concerning the people of Israel. To ensure that every vision and every prophecy about the people of Israel is fully fulfilled.

6. To anoint the Most Holy. This refers to the event where the Temple of God in Jerusalem, rebuilt just before the End Times, will be anointed to sanctify it and dedicate it to God, becoming the place of worship of the Lord God in the Millennium.

The seventy weeks of years began with the decree to restore and rebuild the city of Jerusalem. According to historical records, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonian army on July 29, 587 BC, corresponding to the evening of May 9 (the 9th of Av) in the Jewish Calendar year 3174. In 457 BC, King Artaxerxes issued a decree allowing Ezra to return to Jerusalem with full authority to do as he wished and to establish a government in Jerusalem, ruling according to God’s laws. Ezra undertook the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem (Ezra 9:9). Thus, King Artaxerxes’ decree was indeed the command to restore Jerusalem that had been prophesied 82 years earlier and recorded in Daniel 9:25.

We do not know the exact date when King Artaxerxes issued the decree, but we do know the date when Ezra carried it out. That date was the first day of the first month of the seventh year of King Artaxerxes’ reign, corresponding to September 19, 457 BC (Ezra 7:9). In the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, the reigns of the Persian kings were counted by the civil calendar of the Israelites; meaning a king’s year began at the start of the month of Tishrei (July) and ended at the end of the month of Elul (June) in the Jewish Calendar [1]. It is very likely that the decree was issued around early April 457 BC, during the Passover festival. Ezra needed more than five months to prepare the manpower and resources for the journey from Babylon to Jerusalem, as recorded in Ezra chapter 8.

From the issuance of the decree until the destruction of the Anointed Leader, or the Messiah, there are 69 weeks of years. The term transliterated as “Messiah” in the Hebrew original of the Scriptures has the same meaning as “Christ” in the Greek original of the Scriptures, which means “the Anointed One.” In the Bible, being anointed means being given by God the office, authority, and power to carry it out. The Lord Jesus is the only one who was given all three offices simultaneously: prophet, priest, and king, so the titles “Messiah” and “Christ,” meaning “the Anointed One,” have become some of His titles.

From 457 BC to AD 27 is exactly 483 years (457 + 27 = 484, minus 1 because there is no year 0 between 1 BC and AD 1 = 483 years).

Phase one, consisting of 49 years, is the period during which the people of Israel had autonomy in Jerusalem from 457 BC to 408 BC. During this phase, the people of Israel completed the restoration and rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem; they established their own government and ruled according to God’s laws. King Artaxerxes’ decree to Ezra specified:

And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand, set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye them that know them not.” (Ezra 7:25)

Phase one, consisting of 49 years, corresponds to the cycle of the Jubilee Year (Leviticus 25:8-10) and likely implies that the Jubilee cycle began anew with the issuance of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. If this is the case, then the 490 years appointed by God for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem would be 10 Jubilee cycles. The tenth cycle was interrupted after Christ was crucified on Passover in AD 27. According to Hosea 6:1-2, it is very likely that this cycle will resume in 2027, making the Day of Atonement in 2034 also the beginning of the tenth Jubilee Year of the 70 weeks of years appointed by God for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.

Phase two, consisting of 434 years, from 408 BC to AD 27 (hereafter we omit “AD”), saw the people of Israel and Jerusalem under the rule of the Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. At the end of phase two, Christ was killed. After Christ’s death on April 9, AD 27 [2], the 69 weeks of years concluded. The phrase “and there shall be nothing” in Daniel 9:26 implies that the 70th week has been paused. God suspended His relationship with the people of Israel after they rejected Christ to develop His Church for over 2,000 years. During this period of spiritual death for Israel, God chose a group consisting of anyone who accepts His Gospel of Salvation from all nations, known as His Church, to make them co-rulers with Christ in the government of the Kingdom of Heaven. Old Testament saints and End Times saints will rule the physical kingdom on earth, but the saints in the Church will co-reign with Christ over all of God’s possessions in the physical world, including the earth and the entire universe, as well as the spiritual realm.

After the event when the Lord Jesus Christ was rejected by the people of Israel and crucified on Passover in AD 27, God gave Israel an opportunity to repent. This opportunity lasted for 40 years. However, the people of Israel did not repent, so in AD 67, God allowed Roman soldiers to attack Judea [3], leading to the siege and destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of God in the spring of AD 70 [4]. The Temple was completely burned down, to the extent that not a single stone was left upon another, fulfilling the prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:2). Jerusalem was also completely destroyed, with only the western wall remaining. Today, this wall is known as the Wailing Wall, as each year, the people of Israel gather there to mourn the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of God.

Daniel 9:26 was fulfilled in AD 27 with the death of Christ and in AD 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of God. The remaining prophecy about Jerusalem “will be like a flood, and desolations are determined until the end of the war” refers to the Antichrist attacking Jerusalem in the middle of the End Times. At that time, the people of Israel will need to flee Jerusalem and seek refuge in the wilderness (Revelation 12:6) until Christ and the Church return to the earth and destroy the Antichrist and those who bear the mark of the Antichrist.

We should also note that the prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ entering Jerusalem as a king was foretold and recorded in the book of Zechariah approximately 520 years earlier.

To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against him;” (Zechariah 9:9).

On Saturday, the 10th of Nisan, year 3787 according to the Jewish Calendar, which corresponds to April 5, AD 27 in the Julian Calendar, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the king of Israel, rode on a colt and entered Jerusalem to the acclaim of the people. This event is recorded in all four Gospels: Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, and John 12. This day also marked the selection of the Passover lamb (Exodus 12:3).

On Wednesday, the 14th of Nisan, year 3787 according to the Jewish Calendar, which corresponds to April 9, AD 27 in the Julian Calendar, and also the day of Passover, the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, becoming the Passover Lamb for all humanity.

Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:” (1 Corinthians 5:7)

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Passover Lamb, which means that through His death, those who believe in the salvation of God are forgiven, freed from the bondage of sin, and given the opportunity to be reborn as a new creation, living a new life that is holy, peaceful, and filled with joy in the love of God:

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” (Ephesians 4:22-24)

“But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” (Colossians 3:8-10)

Since the Passover of the year 27, when the Israelites rejected Christ and handed Him over to the Romans to be killed, they fell into a state of spiritual death. The Prophet Hosea prophesied that the Israelites would be spiritually dead for two days and would be resurrected on the third day:

Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” (Hosea 6:1-2)

According to 2 Peter 3:8, to the Lord, a day is like a thousand years. Thus, the two days of spiritual death for the Israelites equal 2,000 years, from the year 27 to the year 2027.

The Feast of the Firstfruits, occurring on the 16th of Nisan, is the day following the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasts for seven days, symbolizes the complete and eternal new life of those who are renewed through faith in the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Feast of the Firstfruits symbolizes the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of those who belong to Him, and the spiritual resurrection of the Israelites. Therefore, we can believe that the Israelites will experience their spiritual resurrection on the Feast of the Firstfruits in 2027, exactly 2,000 years (or two days in prophecy) after their rejection of Christ and their spiritual death. We can also believe that on that day, God will seal 144,000 people from the 12 tribes of Israel to carry out the work of evangelizing the world during the seven years of the End Times, as prophesied in Revelation 7:1-8. Furthermore, we can believe that on that day, the 70th week, which has been paused for 2,000 years, will restart and conclude with the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth at the end of the End Times.

The Feast of the Firstfruits in 2027 falls on Friday, April 23, 2027. Let’s note this remarkable detail:

  • God created humanity on a Friday during the seven days of creation.

  • God established the Church on a Friday, which was May 28, 27.

  • God reestablished the nation of Israel on a Friday, which was May 14, 1948.

It is possible that God will spiritually resurrect the people of Israel on Friday, April 23, 2027, which is also the Feast of the Firstfruits. It may also be the time when God seals 144,000 chosen individuals from the 12 tribes of Israel.

Based on Revelation 7, we can understand that immediately after God seals the 144,000 Israelites, He will take the Church out of the world. This will also be the moment when the physical bodies of God’s people in the Church are resurrected or transformed. Revelation 7:9-10 seems to describe the event of God’s people being present in heaven right after the chosen ones from Israel are sealed:

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9-10)

However, it is also possible that the Church was taken up before this, but the gathering to worship God as described in Revelation 7:9-10 only occurs after the 144,000 Israelites are sealed.

In God’s mysterious plan, Friday is the day when God created mankind and gave ít life. Perhaps that is why God chose to establish the Church and give life to it on a Friday. God also physically resurrected Israel on a Friday. Therefore, it is quite possible that God will spiritually resurrect the people of Israel and resurrect the physical bodies of His people in the Church on a Friday as well.

However, the Church might also be taken up on any day during the Feast of Trumpets rather than on the Feast of First Fruits. The Feast of Trumpets symbolizes the gathering of God’s people. This is also one of the reasons why no one can know the exact hour and day of the Lord’s coming to take the Church out of the world. Below is a list of the Feast of Trumpets dates from 2020 to 2027:

  • 2020: Saturday, September 19

  • 2021: Tuesday, September 7

  • 2022: Monday, September 26

  • 2023: Saturday, September 16

  • 2024: Thursday, October 3

  • 2025: Tuesday, September 23

  • 2026: Saturday, September 12

  • 2027: Saturday, October 2

We can anticipate the Lord’s coming during the Feast of Trumpets each year. If the Feast of Trumpets in 2026 passes without the Lord’s arrival, we should eagerly look forward to the Feast of Firstfruits or the Feast of Trumpets in 2027. We believe that it is VERY POSSIBLE that the Lord will come by the Feast of Trumpets in 2027 at the latest.

Based on Revelation chapter 8, we can believe that the seven years of the Great Tribulation will begin on the day the 144,000 Israelites are sealed. With the reasoning provided above, we think that the Great Tribulation will start on April 23, 2027. However, no one knows the day or hour when the Lord will come to take the Church out of the world.

Another detail regarding the asteroid 1997 XF11, which has a diameter of about 2.4 km and will come close to Earth on October 26, 2028 [5], makes us wonder if this could be the celestial object prophesied to fall into the sea and the water sources on Earth as described in Revelation:

And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.” (Revelation 8:8-9)

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” (Revelation 8:10-11)

According to estimates from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), when asteroid 1997 XF11 passes by Earth, it will be about 588,000 miles (946,000 km) away. However, if for some reason the asteroid were to split in two, its speed were to decrease, and it were influenced by Earth’s gravity, it is possible that a larger portion could fall into the sea, while the smaller part could travel a bit further before breaking apart into many fragments that could fall onto the Earth’s water sources.

The timing of this asteroid’s approach coincides with a potential timeframe for the End Times, leading us to wonder if God is preparing everything necessary for the End Times.

Daniel 9:27 prophesies that the Antichrist will establish a covenant with many leaders of nations. This could be the covenant that the Antichrist, representing the United Nations, will make with Israel and the Arab Islamic nations after the war described in Psalm 83 takes place.

In the conflict, Israel might launch nuclear missiles at Damascus, Syria’s capital, where the Arab coalition’s general staff is concentrated, completely destroying Damascus, as prophesied in Isaiah 17. At that point, the Arab alliance’s military campaign against Israel would be defeated, resulting in a significant loss of territory and oil and gas fields to Israel. For the first time in history, Israel would fully occupy the lands that God promised to them, as recorded in the Old Testament. The international community would strongly oppose Israel, and Israel would threaten that if the world powers took military action against them, Israel would destroy the world’s crucial oil and gas reserves with nuclear weapons. Consequently, countries worldwide would unite to establish a global government with the Antichrist as its leader, aiming to restore peace by signing a peace treaty with Israel and the Arab nations, allowing the world to continue accessing the oil and gas resources now controlled by Israel.

Daniel 9:27 prophesies that the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with many. The term “many” in the original Hebrew can mean both many nations and many leaders of those nations. It is reasonable to understand that this covenant will be a peace treaty, where the Antichrist, representing the Western nations and the defeated Arab Muslim countries that have lost territory to Israel, will sign an agreement with Israel.

The covenant will last for one week of years, which is seven years. Therefore:

  • The battle in the Middle East, according to Psalm 83, will occur before the End Times.

  • A significant event might happen to the United States, preventing it from supporting Israel and leading the Arab Muslim nations to unite and attack Israel. It is very likely that the United States could experience a major disaster, such as an eruption of the caldera in Yellowstone National Park [6] or an earthquake that destroys much of California [7], [8]. Such a major disaster would cause widespread chaos, forcing the U.S. military and resources to focus on disaster recovery and national security.

  • The peace treaty might come into effect on the Feast of the First Fruits in 2027. Then, three and a half years later, the Antichrist will break the covenant and bring his forces to attack Israel. The people of Israel will be taken into the wilderness by God for the remaining three and a half years of the End Times. The Antichrist will sit in the newly rebuilt Temple of God in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. The Antichrist’s occupation of Jerusalem and the Temple will cause the sacrificial offerings in the Temple to cease.

The victory in the battle, according to Psalm 83, will awaken the people of Israel; they will recognize that the prophecies in the Bible regarding the End Times are being fulfilled. At that point, they will acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. This awakening will lead to the spiritual revival of the people of Israel.

At the end of the seven-year great tribulation, which is at the conclusion of the 70th week, Christ, the Church, and the angels will descend to earth and defeat the forces of the Antichrist. The Antichrist and the false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire. All those who have received the mark of the Antichrist will be destroyed. Satan will be imprisoned in the abyss. All those who survive the End Times will be believers who have not accepted the mark of the Antichrist. However, Christ will judge those who have believed in Him during the End Times, as prophesied in Matthew 24. Following this will be the Millennial Kingdom. Thus, the Millennial Kingdom may begin on the Feast of Tabernacles in 2034, which falls on Saturday, September 28, 2034, marking the start of the 1,000-year Sabbath for all humanity.

God willing, the Church may witness the battle in the Middle East according to Psalm 83; witness the rebuilding of the Temple of God in Jerusalem; and witness the rise of the Antichrist. Then, the Lord will come to take the Church out of the world on the Feast of the First Fruits, which is April 23, 2027; or on the Feast of Trumpets, which is October 2, 2027.

Timeline of Events in the 70 Weeks

Beginning of the 70 Weeks: It is likely that the start of the 70 weeks was on April 3, 457 BC, which was the Passover of that year, in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes. The king issued a decree granting Ezra full authority to restore Jerusalem and establish self-government.

The Seven Weeks Period: This period of 49 years spans from 457 BC to 408 BC. During this time, the people of Israel had self-governance according to God’s laws. This also marked a complete cycle of 49 years, leading into the Year of Jubilee. It is likely that after 70 years of captivity, when the land rested, God initiated the Jubilee cycle. Thus, 409 BC would be the first year of Jubilee in the 70 weeks that God had ordained for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem.

The Sixty Two Weeks Period: This period of 434 years spans from 408 BC to AD 27. During this time, Israel and Jerusalem were ruled by the Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. (Between 1 BC and AD 1, there is no year 0.) Therefore, 408 + 27 = 435, minus 1 = 434 years.

The Messiah was killed at the end of the 69th Week: On Passover, April 9, AD 27, the Messiah was crucified. The people of Israel entered a state of spiritual death for two thousand years (two prophetic days in Hosea 6:1-2). The 70th week was suspended. This is the meaning of the phrase “and there will be nothing” in Daniel 9:26.

God granted Israel 40 years to repent and accept the Messiah. However, since Israel did not repent, God allowed the Roman army to attack Judea in AD 67. Three years later, they destroyed the Temple and the city of Jerusalem on August 1, AD 70.

The Establishment of the Church: On the Day of Pentecost, Friday, May 30, AD 27, the Church was established to proclaim God’s salvation to all nations.

God Revived the Nation of Israel: On Friday, May 14, 1948, God re-established the nation of Israel in a single day. This event is likened to the fig tree of Israel being replanted in the Promised Land of Canaan.

Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.” (Isaiah 66:8)

On June 7, 1967, the people of Israel fully took control of the city of Jerusalem. On December 6, 2017, the United States officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.

The battle described in Psalm 83 will occur, and a global government led by the AntiChrist will be established. These events may take place during the final year of President Trump’s second term. The United States may, for some reason, be unable to protect Israel, but Israel will be rescued and victorious through the Lord. Israel will occupy all the lands promised to them by God, from the Nile River to the Euphrates River. Israel will capture most of the oil fields of the Arab Muslim countries. The AntiChrist will sign a seven-year peace treaty with Israel on behalf of the United Nations.

God will spiritually resurrect the people of Israel: Very likely on the Feast of the Firstfruits, April 23, 2027, marking exactly two thousand years since the spiritual death of Israel due to their rejection of Christ, God will spiritually revive them as prophesied in Hosea 6:1-2.

The 70th week will begin, ushering in the End Times: The day the peace treaty signed by the AntiChrist with Israel takes effect will also mark the beginning of the End Times, lasting for seven years. This day may coincide with the day God spiritually resurrects the people of Israel and selects 144,000 individuals from the 12 tribes of Israel to preach the Gospel during the End Times.

The Church will be taken out of the world at any time: The Church may be taken out of the world by Christ at any time, but based on God’s great mercy, we can hope that He will take the Church out of the world on the same day that the people of Israel are spiritually resurrected, which is April 23, 2027, or on the Feast of Trumpets, October 2, 2027. For when the Church witnesses the battle described in Psalm 83, the destruction of Damascus in Syria, the rise of the AntiChrist, and the signing of a seven-year treaty with Israel, those lukewarm in the Church, who have not yet believed but have the opportunity to read and hear this sermon or other related teachings about the End Times, will awaken and repent.

The Lord Jesus Christ and the Church will descend to the earth: At the end of the seven years of tribulation, the 70th week will conclude. Christ and the Church will descend to the earth to destroy all who do not belong to Him. Then, the Millennial Kingdom will be established.

We hope that all who hear or read this sermon are part of the Lord’s Church and will go with the Lord on the day He comes to take the Church out of the world. If at this moment, as you are reading or hearing this sermon, you have not yet accepted God’s salvation, repent of your sins, and believe in the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ so that you may be saved and belong to the Church. If you are someone who has accepted the Lord but has not fully lived according to His Word, confess your sins to the Lord and wholeheartedly live according to His Word so that you will not be left behind on the day He comes.

We would like to send to all of you the Word of God from Titus 2:11-14 as spiritual provisions for the year 2020 and the remaining days of our lives in this world:

11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

May the Holy Spirit guide us into all the truths of God’s Word (John 16:13). May the Word of God sanctify us (John 17:17). May the Faithful *God of Peace Himself sanctify our spirit, soul, and body entirely, without blame (1 Thessalonians 5:23), at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Beloved Savior. Amen!

Please read the message “The Day of the Lord’s Coming”:


Timothy Christian Huynh
Priscilla Christian Huynh


[1] https://biblearchaeology.org/research/the-daniel-9-24-27-project/4369-the-seraiah-assumption-and-the-decree-of-daniel-9-25

[2] https://preachingfromthebible.net/the-day-of-the-lords-death-and-the-day-of-the-lords-resurrection/

[3] http://josephus.org/FlJosephus2/warChronology5Pg2.htm

[4] http://josephus.org/FlJosephus2/warChronology7Fall.html

[5] https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1015448/asteroid-1997-xf11-hit-Earth-2028-nasa-space-news

[6] https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yellowstone+supervolcano

[7] https://www.foxnews.com/science/the-next-mega-disasters-that-could-happen-at-any-moment-and-kill-us-all

[8] https://www.businessinsider.com/big-one-mega-earthquake-what-will-happen-california-san-andreas-2019-8