A Covenant of Faith – Version 2

Preaching from the Bible Karaoke

Lyric Storage: https://od.lk/fl/MV80MjQ1ODE3NV8
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Lyric: https://od.lk/f/MV8zNTA4MjU1NzZf
Audio: https://od.lk/f/MV8zNTA4MjU1ODFf
Video: https://od.lk/f/MV8zNTA4MjU1OTFf

A Covenant of Faith
Pastor Timothy Christian Huynh
Version 2

For whether we live, we live to the Lord; and whether we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live, or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8).

Committed heart, resolute and strong,
To follow paths where I belong,
Unafraid of roads both near and far,
Guided by an unwavering star.

His teachings etched in chambers deep,
Through rain and shine, a sacred keep,
The Lord beside me, step by step,
A journey where no fear has crept.

Day and night, my spirit calls,
No hesitation marks my walls,
Through perilous passages I tread,
By faithful guidance gently led.

I vow my life, a willing flame,
To burn devoted to His name,
His holy commands my compass true,
A heart that belongs to Him alone, renewed.

Make use of me, O Divine design,
Let every breath and pulse align,
To walk the distant, winding way,
Rejoicing in His light each day.

To follow Him until the end,
Where spirit and devotion blend,
Unwavering on this sacred road,
Embracing love’s eternal load.

Make use of me, O Divine design,
Let every breath and pulse align,
To walk the distant, winding way,
Rejoicing in His light each day.

To follow Him until the end,
Where spirit and devotion blend,
Unwavering on this sacred road,
Embracing love’s eternal load.