My Life Now Has the Savior

Preaching from the Bible Karaoke

Lyric Storage: https://od.lk/fl/MV80MjQ1ODE3NV8
Audio Storage: https://od.lk/fl/MV80MjQ1ODE3Nl8
Video Storage: https://od.lk/fl/MV80MjQ1ODE3N18

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Lyric: https://od.lk/f/MV8zNTIwNzI1Mjhf
Audio: https://od.lk/f/MV8zNTIwNzI1MzFf
Video: https://od.lk/f/MV8zNTIwNzI1NDRf

My Life Now Has the Savior
Lyrics by
Pastor Timothy Christian Huynh
Melody Composed and Sung by AI
Image by YouTube User: Roberto Tài

“Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life. I will dwell in the house of the Self-Existing and Eternal One for ever.” (Psalms 23:6).

1… 2… 3…
My life was filled with many mistakes,
A heart burdened with sorrow and pain.
A life sinking deep in loneliness,
With no one knowing.
So much anguish swept away by time.

I thought my heart had withered,
Unable to taste the sweetness of love.
And so my soul wandered in confusion,
With no hope,
As the years longed for love overflowing.

But unexpectedly, Jesus the Savior came,
Calling me back with His love.
The love of God
Has erased all the sorrows of my life.
He saved me from all my sins.
Forever, I will abide by His side,
My soul completely at peace.

My life now has the Savior,
No more longing, no more waiting.
Though hardships may still arise
And surround my life,
Through the years, I will always follow Him.
My life belongs to Him alone,
And my soul is truly satisfied.

My life now has the Savior,
No more longing, no more waiting.
Though hardships may still arise
And surround my life,
Through the years, I will always follow Him.
My life belongs to Him alone,
And my soul is truly satisfied.
And my soul is truly satisfied.